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Dungeons & Dragons Rogue Gaiters Black

    Fabricante:  Burgschneider    P/N:  BU-4659    Código:  14929
19,90 € IVA incluido Sin IVA 16,45 €    
Looking for a little extra leg protection on your next dungeon crawl? Check out our D&D Rogue Gaiters! Laced at center back for a snug fit, they also feature an added stirrup below for better hold. Plus, the strip around the upper calf is great for small weapons. Made from durable materials, our gaiters will stand up to anything you encounter on your adventure. They?re the perfect companion for just about any adventure ahead.

Looking for a little extra leg protection on your next dungeon crawl? Check out our D&D Rogue Gaiters! Laced at center back for a snug fit, they also feature an added stirrup below for better hold. Plus, the strip around the upper calf is great for small weapons. Made from durable materials, our gaiters will stand up to anything you encounter on your adventure. They?re the perfect companion for just about any adventure ahead.

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