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Pole Holster

    Fabricante:  Epic armoury    P/N:  2615    Código:  15004
45,30 € IVA incluido Sin IVA 37,44 €    
gastos de envío 7,50 €
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Pole Holster

Pole Holster

45,30 €

“We suddenly felt like a mob of unorganised amateurs. The numbers were on our side, but the sheer uniformity of their conduct was outright daunting. Their halberds were raised in perfectly aligned lines like a spiked monster ominously awaiting the first chance to strike. Our smith was supposed to signal our attack, but he hesitated. I then learned that morality is like a ship sailing in an ocean of doubt. And, O, did we all sink that day!”

Epic Armoury’s Pole Holster is a nifty accessory for characters obligated to keep a halberd, flag or banner raised for a prolonged time. The holster is crafted from durable leather and designed to be attached to any belt with adjustable leather straps. However, the D-rings also allow for a direct combination with the and without using the straps. Keep the morale high – at least a little longer!

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