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Chain Mail Shirt for Children

38,62 € IVA incluido Sin IVA 31,92 €    
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Chain Mail Shirt for Children

Chain Mail Shirt for Children

38,62 €
Product information "Chain Mail Shirt for Children"

Chainmail shirt for children

This short-sleeved chainmail shirt for kids has a slit round neckline making it much easier to put on, and is closed with a light leather strap (leather colour as in the last picture). The leather strap is included.

Please note: only the chain mail is sold here! The other items are available separately in our online shop.

- Available sizes: 128, 146, 164
- Material: galvanized steel, rustproof
- Inner diameter: approx.10mm

Item Dimensions
Size 128 146 164
Chest size 43 cm 49 cm 54 cm
Length from the shoulder 58 cm 68 cm 75 cm
Weight approx. 3.3 kg 5 kg 6 kg

In order to determine the correct shirt size of your child, please refer to their height (for a height of 128 cm, please order size 128).

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